
作者: 时间:2024-06-01 23:52:25 阅读:

过去一个月里,杭州乃至全省最“网红”的名胜,不是西湖,而要数良渚古城遗址。2019年7月6日,在第43届世界遗产大会上, “良渚古城遗址”成功列入《世界遗产名录》,正式成为中国第55处世界遗产。

这位世界遗产大家庭的新成员不仅在国内备受关注,也引发了国际媒体和国外网友的热议。在浙江省第十届网络文化活动季中,inZhejiang印象浙江英文网( http://inzj.zjol.com.cn)开设良渚专题,并通过海外社交平台全方位介绍良渚文明,带海外网友在线打卡良渚古城。




Called "the Egyptian civilization equivalent of China", Liangzhu civilization is beyond imagination

2019年,印象浙江英文网推出“Dongpo Paul”视频栏目,在国际舞台上呈现中国文化及风土人情。为了向全世界介绍浙江的人文历史,良渚申遗成功后,印象浙江英文网特别制作一期科普良渚文明的视频节目。


△印象浙江英文网IP视频栏目Dongpo Paul为良渚申遗制作的特别节目。


Along the 30° north latitude, the ancientEgyptians relied on the Nile river to cultivate, and the Sumerians carved thelegend of the Great Flood on the mud board.


In the southeast of the ancient Chinesemainland, now called Hangzhou, a vast city——Liangzhu City, rose above theshallow swamps. Today, the Liangzhu Civilization represented by the city isconsidered one of the origins of Chinese Civilization.


When Liangzhu Jades Meet World FamousPaintings: Dialogue Across Time and Space




Back to the Stone Age ten thousand years ago, when the Magdalenians were carving a livid bison in a large cave on the continent of ancient Europe, they wouldn’t have imagined that the carved works will be enshrined as supreme artwork and the cave will be listed as a World Heritage Site.


Artworks of the early stages of civilizations are beyond imagination. Liangzhu Culture, a representative of the Neolithic cultures of China, created a tremendous amount of jades. According to the Chinese archaeologist Qin Ling, "Liangzhu jades are the acme of pre-historical stone wares. The jades excavated from Liangzhu Archaeological Site made without metal tools are unrivaled across the globe in terms of technique and artistic achievement."

Colin Renfrew, a well-known British archaeologist, noted, "The exquisiteness of Liangzhu jades is beyond people's imagination of the late Neolithic historical sites."


The charm of Chinese jades transcends time and borders. The "In Zhejiang" English website selects nine pieces of Liangzhu jades to match with world-renowned paintings in a unique manner. As Picasso was once inspired by bison cave paintings, the small jades may also conduct dialogues, in its own language, with artworks that came after them.


While appreciating the masterpiece, let's play a game! Can you guess the applications of each jade ware hinted by the images on the left?


玉玦 ×《戴珍珠耳环的少女》:玉玦在良渚文化早期作为耳环佩戴,当纯洁的少女“戴”上这件东方的饰品,更添一份柔美。

Jade Jue × Girl with a Pearl Earring: Jade jue was used as earrings in the early days. A special oriental charm adds to the beauty of the European girl wearing the jade jue.


玉琮 ×《鸢尾花》:玉琮是良渚文化最具典型意义的礼器,直至今日它仍在向人们诉说着远古的故事。而梵高画笔下的鸢尾花饱含着律动之美,传递出生命的热情。

Jade Cong × Irises: Jade cong, the most representative artifact and sacred symbol of Liangzhu Culture, has been still telling the story of ancient times. As a contrast, the irises painted by Vincent Van Gogh display rhythmic beauty, expressing to a great extent the vitality of life.


玉管串 ×《维纳斯的诞生》:玉管串是良渚文化中重要的饰物,它和象征着爱与美的女神维纳斯相得益彰。

Cylindrical Jade Beaded Adornments × The Birth of Venus: Cylindrical jade beaded adornments are important accessories of Liangzhu Culture, echoing the glamour of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty.


玉珠 ×《倒牛奶的女仆》:良渚文化的玉珠,圆润、细腻。当阳光照进平静的房间,大珠小珠滚落,时间仿佛也凝结了。

Circular Jade Bead × The Milkmaid: Circular jade beads of Liangzhu Culture are smooth and delicate. As the sunshine illuminates the serene room, beads of various sizes were poured into the pot. Time freezes the moment.


玉璧 ×《捣练图》:玉璧是中国古代重要的礼器,它在唐朝少女的手中少了些许庄重,多了一些生动和趣味。

Jade Bi × Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk: Jade bi is a valued sacrificial vessel in ancient China. The artwork turns on more lively features in the hands of court ladies.


玉琮半成品 ×《红黄蓝的构成》:在华美的玉琮面世之前,这件半成品还停留于内圆外方的几何形态,这与荷兰画家蒙德里安崇尚的均衡与秩序不谋而合。朴素的玉琮永久保留了未完成的状态,我们从中感受到了艺术的理性之美。

Semi-finished Cong × Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow: Before the gorgeous jade cong carving was finished, this semi-finished piece is still in a geometrical shape with a circular interior and a squarish exterior. The design automatically matches with the concept of balance and order endorsed by Dutch painter Mondrian. This plain jade cong remains unfinished, from which we can sense the artistic beauty of reason.


龙首纹玉镯 ×《七只苹果》:龙首纹玉镯上精美的纹路和法国画家塞尚笔下饱满、鲜艳的苹果,仿佛正共奏一曲明快的旋律。

Jade Bracelet Carved with Dragon Head × Still Life with Seven Apples: The exquisite pattern on the jade bracelet carved with dragon head creates a harmonious melody with the plump bright apples painted by French painter Cezanne.



Jade Bird × Waterlilies: The jade bird embodies the stunning imagination of Liangzhu people. The little bird flits across the pool in Monet's painting, making us wonder whether traces of wings would be left.



Jade Yuan × Roses: When Van Gogh's exuberant roses intertwine with the jade yuan, the two types of curves create integrated delicacy.




有网友特别点赞了“玉玦 ×《戴珍珠耳环的少女》”的创意——可见艺术之美并不为国界所局限!

