美女表演i have a pen_「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 4《I have a pen

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「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 4《I have a pen pal》


1. 这是……(用于介绍)This is ...

This is my friend, Amy.

2. ……多大? How old +be+sb?

How old is your brother?

3. 让我们做朋友吧 Let's be friends. ( let后面用动词原形)

4. 我们……好吗? (表示征求意见)Shall we +v?

Shall we go swimming?

5. ...也如此 。

倒装句:so +助动词(或情态动词、be动词,根据上句决定)+sb

She is a student , so am I.(前句是be动词)

I can swim, so can she. (前句有情态动词can)

She likes swimming, so do I. (前句是实义动词like, 一般现在时,加入助动词do)

Zac liked his new tail, so did all the other squirrels. (前句是实义动词,一般过去时,加入助动词 did)

6. 某人爱好是什么?回答 What are sb's hobbies? He/She likes ....

7. 他住在……吗? 肯定、否定回答。 Does he live in...?

Yes, he does. No,he doesn't.

8. 非常高兴给你写信。I am so happy to write to you. (写作积累)

9. 让我告诉你一些我的事。 Let me tell you something about myself. (写作积累)


1. 非常喜欢…… like ...a lot/very much

I like sports a lot/very much.

2. 无疑,肯定 for sure

3. 来自于 come/be from...

She is/comes from America.

4.练功夫 do kung fu

5.在岛上 on the island (注意介词的使用)

6. 在农场 on a farm (注意介词的使用)

7. 和某人谈论某事 talk with sb about sth

She is talking with her friend about her pen pal.

8. 笔友 a pen pal

9. 读给……听 read (...) to ...

I often read stories to my daughter.

10. 喜欢做某事 like doing sth(正式) like to do sth (非正式) (见牛津字典)

I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳

I like to see children playing outside. 我喜欢看孩子们在外面玩。

但好多老师都这样去讲: like doing 一直喜欢做某事 like to do 想要做某事

这样的讲法与字典是不相符的, 这种有争议的用法在正规考试中不会出现。

Although I like swimming, but it is too cold today, I don't like to swim.虽然我喜欢游泳,但今天太冷了,我不想游泳。

11. 我最好的朋友 my best friend

12. 放风筝 fly a kite , fly kites(注意没有a, kite必须加s---可数名词单数不能单独使用,需加限定词)

「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 4《I have a pen pal》

13. 运动 do/play sports

14. 听音乐 listen to music

15. 弹琵琶 play the pipa (乐器前面用 the)

16. 11岁 11 years old

17. 给……写封电子邮件 write an e-mail to sb=write sb an e-mail

18. 做完某事 finish doing sth

finish washing clothes

19. 对……感兴趣 be/become interested in... show interest in ...

I am/become interested in sports.

I show interest in sports.

20. 中国歌曲 Chinese songs

21. 去远足 go hiking

22. 猜字谜 do word puzzles

23. 舞蹈课 a dance class

「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 4《I have a pen pal》

24. 在五点 at five (注意时间前面介词的使用,具体时刻前面用 at)

25. 每逢周日 on Sundays

26. 加入俱乐部 join the club (加入组织用join)

27. 在操场 on the playground

28. 和某人分享某物 share sth with sb

share the umbrella with you 和你共用这把伞

29.了解 learn about ...

30. 教某人做某事 teach sb to do sth

My father teaches me to make robots.

31. 把它记下来 write it down

32. 在我们俱乐部 in our club (注意介词)

33. 洗餐具 do the dishes

34. 在餐厅 in the dining hall

35. 在那之后 after that (写作可作为衔接上下文的连词)

36. 爱做某事 love to do sth(非正式), love doing sth (正式)

37. 走开 go away

38. 从树上扔了下来 throw ...out of the tree

39. 起床get up

40. 从那天起 from that day on

41. 去远足 go hiking

42. 做中国食物 cook Chinese food

43.沏茶 make tea

44.随着音乐跳舞 dance to music

45.在周末 on the weekend

46.在小学 in primary school

47.我们的笔友网站上 on our pen pal website

48.想要做某事2 want to do sth, would like to do sth (would like没有第三人称单数)

She wants to go there by bus.

She would like to to there by bus.




「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 4《I have a pen pal》

「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 4《I have a pen pal》


现在进行时: 动词结构为 be +动词ing。


「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 4《I have a pen pal》

「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 4《I have a pen pal》


1. some,any 区别




I have some cakes.

Do you have any cakes?

I don't have any cakes.

Would you like some cakes?

2.注意什么时候用 is, 什么时候用 are

What _____ your hobbies? 答案为 are , hobbies 是复数。

What _____ your hobby? 答案为 is。



A book is a garden carried in the pocket.

